jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

If you want to read more about the "Pedro Hernandez" story here is an artcile published in the colombian newspaper "El Tiempo" in November the 3rd in 1991 By Profesor Yarumo, an important character in colombia known for his work with nature and environment in his Tv show "the adventures of profesor yarumo"

Pedro Hernandez story worksheet...

after reading the Pedro Hernandez story complete this guide about this amazing story.

Pedro Hernandez Story...

Here is a typical story in the santander region in colombia, read it and enjoy it.

Myths and Leyends...

Here we have a typical colombian legend about what our ancestors called "El dorado"

Let's Practice...

Colours Game...

Let's learn the colours...

Image taken from: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PQq1L9TbEI/S4iOUsrtalI/AAAAAAAAAxs/B480kwcwUq0/s400/color-chart-balloons.gif

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Song Worksheet

After listening the song, solve this exercise, it will help you to know if you understood.

Time for a song...

Listen the song "incy wincy spider" try to sing along with the video.

Some pages to practice


These are some webpages in which you can practice the animals' vocabulary, enjoy them.

Movie Guide

After watching the movie and reading the story, complete this guide is really esay and I added some clues to help you solve it.

A circus family by Diallo Lawton

After watching the movie read this short story about the circus.

Movie Activity: Madagascar 3

First you are going to watch the movie madagascar 3, here is a short scene about the circus.

How to use comparatives


Look at the worksheet and Practice...


Welcome ¡¡¡